Our Mobile App is here!

Our Mobile App is here!

Our mission is to connect families in more meaningful ways, this is why we want the Hearth experience to be as seamless as possible. We’re so proud to announce both our iOS and Android app are here, offering access to your Hearth Display wherever you are.

It’s been one of our most-requested features from all of you and we’re so excited to share that it’s now available for download.

Why did we introduce an app?

Our goal is to create the family-operating system—the one-stop shop that integrates tools families need to streamline busy schedules, all the while making it fun and engaging for everyone. Here are a few ways our app helps with that:

  • Reducing The Mental Load - We aim to balance the unseen labor of keeping mental tabs on playdates, family events, to-dos, and more—and make parents’ lives a little easier. When the mental responsibility is shared, it benefits everyone. By allowing you to add and make changes to your events along with to-dos and routines while on-the-go, it makes duties transparent and allows everyone else to take some of the load.
  • Easily Personalize Your Experience - Using the app allows family members to easily put their own spin on their Hearth Display. Upload custom wallpapers, profile pics, color preferences, and more—making Hearth a more personality-driven experience. This is great for little kids who can be given visual cues for their to-dos with emojis, while also having a little bit of fun in the process.
  • Get Everyone On Board - Our companion functionality has always been part of our vision for Hearth. With the app, everyone can continue to feel empowered to tap in and make needed changes, customize profiles, or add calendars when it’s most convenient for them. With more flexibility, there’s no need to wait to update until you get home.
  • Encourages Independence - With the app, you can also encourage older kids to participate in a more active way. Teens or older kids with phones, can take more ownership over their schedules and to-dos with easy access to the app while on the move.


Our mobile app offers all the features your Display has and more, including:

  • To-dos - Add, update, change, and complete to-dos across all profiles. Did you forget to check off “empty the dishwasher”? Need to add a to-do for your daughter to practice her piano? We’ve made to-dos easily accessible while on the move.
  • Routines - Adding routines is exclusive to the app, so now adding in new routines or reset is a breeze. Also, you can keep an eye out while on-the-go for completed routines or ones that might need a little extra encouragement.
  • Calendars - Visibility is key! Our synced shared calendars allow everyone to see who has what going on at any time. Plus, you can add, edit, filter, or remove events—making it effortless regardless of your location.

Okay, we hope you’re as excited as we are about this and that you get the most out of the new mobile app as possible. Want to try out the app for yourself? Log in to the Companion web app and you’ll be directed on how to download.

Don’t have a Hearth Display yet? Now is officially the time! If you have any questions, we’re happy to help.