Ways to Connect with Your Kids After School with Hearth Display

Ways to Connect with Your Kids After School with Hearth Display

After school is an ideal time to reconnect with your kids, but busy schedules and distractions can make it tough to prioritize family time. Whether it's cooking dinner together, creating themed dinner nights, or simply asking thoughtful questions at the dinner table, these moments help strengthen your bond with your children. With Hearth Display, you can easily organize and schedule these meaningful activities to ensure they become a regular part of your family’s routine.

Here are a few ways to connect with your kids after school, along with how you can integrate these activities into your Hearth Display.

1. Cook and Eat Dinner Together

Cooking and eating dinner as a family offers the perfect opportunity to bond, share stories about the day, and work as a team. By adding this routine to your Hearth Display, you can ensure that everyone knows the plan and can pitch in with meal prep or setting the table.

How to Add to Your Hearth Display:

  • Schedule Family Dinners: Create a recurring event for family dinners and include details like who’s helping with meal preparation each night.

  • Assign Meal Prep Tasks: Use Hearth Display to assign specific meal prep to-dos to each family member. You can rotate these tasks weekly to ensure everyone participates.


  • Keeps Everyone Informed: A family dinner schedule on Hearth Display ensures everyone is on the same page and knows when dinner time begins.

  • Builds Accountability: Assigning meal prep tasks encourages kids to take responsibility and contribute to family meals.

2. Themed Dinner Nights

Make dinner time even more exciting with themed dinner nights. Whether it's Taco Tuesday, Pizza Night, or an international food exploration, themed dinners add variety and fun to your weekly routine. Hearth Display allows you to plan these nights in advance, making it easy for everyone to look forward to them.

How to Add to Your Hearth Display:

  • Schedule Themed Nights: Add recurring events for themed dinner nights, like "Taco Tuesday" or "Breakfast for Dinner" on specific days of the week.

  • Let Kids Choose Themes: Use Hearth Display to rotate who gets to choose the theme each week. Everyone can see whose turn it is, creating excitement and involvement in the planning process.


  • Encourages Creativity: Kids get to take ownership of their themed night, building anticipation and making dinner time special.

  • Organization: Hearth Display helps you plan the week in advance so no one is scrambling for dinner ideas at the last minute.

3. Ask Questions at the Dinner Table

Engaging in meaningful conversations during dinner is an excellent way to connect with your kids. Using Hearth Display, you can add question prompts to spark deeper conversations and ensure that dinner time becomes more than just eating together.

How to Add to Your Hearth Display:

  • Create a Question of the Day: Add a daily or weekly question prompt to your family's routines, ensuring that everyone has something thoughtful to contribute at the dinner table.

  • Rotate Question Responsibilities: Use Hearth Display to assign a family member the role of coming up with the next question, encouraging everyone to think creatively.


  • Fosters Engagement: Having preset questions helps facilitate conversation and encourages everyone to share more about their day.

  • Strengthens Communication: Thought-provoking questions lead to deeper conversations, strengthening the emotional connection within the family.

4. Family Pitch-In Time

Getting the whole family involved in household chores not only lightens the load but also teaches kids the importance of responsibility. With Hearth Display, you can easily organize and assign tasks so that everyone knows their role in keeping the home tidy.

How to Add to Your Hearth Display:

  • Create a Chore Schedule: Use Hearth Display to set up a weekly chore list, assigning tasks like "Tidy-Up Time," dishwashing duty, or setting the table.

  • Rotate Chores: Keep things fair by rotating chores on Hearth Display each week, making sure everyone contributes equally.


  • Encourages Teamwork: When tasks are clearly assigned on Hearth Display, everyone can see what needs to be done and work together to complete them.

  • Creates Structure: A scheduled routine on Hearth Display ensures chores don’t get overlooked or forgotten.

5. Create a Family Wind-Down Routine

Ending the day with a relaxing, consistent routine helps kids unwind and sets the tone for a restful night. Hearth Display makes it easy to incorporate family wind-down activities like reading, playing a quick game, or reflecting on the day.

How to Add to Your Hearth Display:

  • Schedule Wind-Down Time: Add a daily wind-down routine to Hearth Display, making it part of your family’s evening rhythm.

  • Choose a Rotating Activity: Use Hearth Display to schedule different wind-down activities each night, such as reading together, playing a short game, or watching a family-friendly TV show.

  • Track Family Reading Progress: If you’re reading a book series together, use Hearth Display to track progress, adding a sense of achievement as you complete each book.


  • Promotes Relaxation: A scheduled wind-down routine helps children transition from a busy day to bedtime more smoothly.

  • Consistency: Hearth Display ensures that your wind-down routine becomes a habit that the whole family looks forward to.


Connecting with your kids after school doesn’t have to be a challenge. Whether it's cooking together, engaging in themed dinner nights, or pitching in on chores, these activities create opportunities for meaningful interaction. By incorporating these activities into your Hearth Display, you can stay organized, ensure everyone is involved, and make family time a regular part of your daily routine.