5 Picture Books to Help with your Children’s Daily Routines

5 Picture Books to Help with your Children’s Daily Routines

Enjoyable stories to guide your kids as they begin to understand and develop their own healthy habits

It is no secret that books are key in development for your children. Besides helping nurture imagination and increasing vocabulary knowledge, books are also great for teaching life lessons. Not only do they make learning more fun, but they also educate on skills that may have been harder to understand if you were just to explain them yourself. Children’s books are written in a way that kids can relate to and apply to their lives. Over the past year there’s been a lot of turbulence as little ones have likely had to adjust to different schedules and routines. Here are a few resources to help create family routines that help ease worries and empower kids:

1) Eddie Gets Ready for School written and illustrated by David Milgrim
Expose your kiddos to checklists and instill the importance of remembering tasks at an early age. Introduce your kids to what a healthy morning routine can look like and soon they’ll be mastering your own family’s morning schedule. Perfect for kids as they enter schooling for the first time!
2) Froggy Gets Dressed written by Jonathan London and illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz
This classic children’s tale is still relevant today as it coaches kids how to dress completely for the day. They’ll be dressing on their own in no time and hopefully laughing at Froggy while they do it. The outfit might not be your style, but at least they remembered their pants!
3) Brush Your Teeth, Please written by Leslie McGuire and illustrated by Jean Pidgeon
Satisfactory oral hygiene is an important skill to learn, though sometimes hard to enforce among young children. This pop-up book makes it exciting for kids to put into practice by comparing seemingly menial tasks like brushing and flossing to that of wild animals. Who knows - your child may be begging to brush their teeth from here on out!
4) Even Superheroes Have to Sleep written by Sara Crow and illustrated by Adam Record
This modern day nursery rhyme will help your kids realize that everyone needs their rest if they are going to perform their best. This book helps littles understand that evening rituals create good habits, while enticing them to complete their nighttime routine with vigor. Complete with stickers and a chart that can help them easily transition to Hearth Display’s tools!
5) Around the World in a Bathtub written by Wade Bradford and illustrated by Micha Archer
We have different traditions, bath time is a practice that all cultures share. Introduce your child to other customs (and languages!), while hopefully making this evening tradition a little easier on you and more enjoyable for them.
While you’re helping your kids understand daily routines, go ahead and make a habit to read with them each day. Not only does this lessen screen time, but it creates special bonding moments that you will cherish forever!