How to Have Fun Activities for Kids at Home

How to Have Fun Activities for Kids at Home

10 Ideas for summer activities for kids within your home and with things you already have

While school will start back up soon, we are currently still in the thick of summer. As we near its bittersweet end, it is likely that “bored” monster has reared its head a time or two. What kids activities are left to do? At this point you’ve probably already taken your family vacation and are mentally gearing up for fall. Unfortunately the weather is still heating up and your kids aren’t cooling down wanting last minute summer activities or family-friendly games for kids. Your summer schedule worked, but you’re likely looking for some last minute things to do, without much effort or much money. Sure you could Pinterest “sensory kits” or subscribe to those cool toy services, but those take time and budget you’d rather not spend. The key is to look around your home and use what you already have.

Here are 10 ideas for keeping your children occupied through the end of summer or whenever they need an activity.

  1. House Chores. Had to start with this one, because we love a good two-birds-one-stone activity. You’d be surprised how littles end up liking doing activities like vacuuming or sweeping. Don’t be afraid to let them try it. Though you might have to finish the job or do a once-over, this will instill these types of practices in them at a young age, making their lives and your life easier. Don’t forget more “fun” family friendly chores like washing the car or even the dog. Be sure to mark them as complete in your Hearth chore chart!
  2. In-Home Movie Screening. With all the streaming possibilities these days, the options for this activity are endless. Have your kids choose a film and build a theme around that. Have them help make decorations and snacks around the movie title like you would a premier. Build a fort for a magical movie evening. Invite friends or keep it in the family. Day or night, this is an easy treat that kids can look forward to and prepare for. Do you have a future event planner on your hands? Just don’t forget the popcorn.
  3. Craft Creations. Imagination and play are key in your child’s development. Let their ideas come to life with craft-able items you already have. Put those online shopping boxes to good use and stock up on empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls. Grab washable markers, tape, and any other craft supplies you have on hand and let them go to work. Some of our favorites include cardboard race cars, dollhouses, and binoculars.
  4. Garner a Green Thumb. Did you take a liking to plants during the pandemic or maybe just need a little helper with yard work? It’s never too early to teach your kids to take care of something like a plant. Let’s face it… it is cheaper and less work than a puppy! Perhaps just be sure to teach them “leaves of 3, let them be” as one of their first lessons.
  5. Paparazzi Time. Kids love to take pictures and the ones they end up snapping often end up being our favorites. Give them a list of items to find and take pictures of. This should take up quite a bit of their time, but might also help them hone in on photography skills. Have them share their photos after they are done. It is never too early to work on those presentation skills. If you don’t want to lend them a family device to take the images, try giving them an old fashioned disposable camera or even a polaroid.
  6. Dinner Date. Have your kids choose a meal and help you make it. Create a menu, go over table manners, and perhaps even have them be the waiter and learn good tipping early. Side note - It doesn’t have to be dinner - breakfast and lunch are great ideas too.
  7. Get Outside. If you don’t have a backyard, a local park will do. The options are endless. From eye spy to learning about different birds, plants, and wildlife, there are a lot of free resources to enjoy nature. Scavenger hunts are also a great way to keep your kids occupied if they need more of a prompt. Just don’t forget the sunscreen and bug spray.
  8. Operation Build. Similar to craft time, but with a focus on building. Have them draw their design, then watch it come to life. From forts to leggo buildings, straws or recycled cardboard, there are so many ways for kids to engage their brain within this activity. You’re even slipping some project planning in without them knowing. If they are stumped with where to begin, try writing some ideas for them on a piece of paper and placing them in a cup for them to draw from. Don’t forget about fashion shows as an option. And you thought those toilet paper dress games from bridal showers of past wouldn’t come in handy…
  9. Beauty Shop. Whether it is you setting up a station for your kids to be pampered or vice versa, it will be fun. Maybe trade them a manicure for a neck massage of your own. Playing barber shop might be an easy way to talk them into their first haircut too.
  10. Go Gaming. Whether it is a family tournament or just a way for you to pass the time together, you’re bound to make some fun memories. Let each participant pick a game and go from there. From your traditional games board or card games, to “anywhere” games like Simon Says, to adventurous games like geocaching, all of these will expose your kids to new ideas and thoughts. Don’t forget about puzzles too - they do wonders for brain function. Let the games {for kids} begin!

We hope these ideas helped and paved the way for some family friendly activities. Don’t forget that these games and activities for kids work perfectly to combat boredom anytime, not just during the summer. Keep them in your back pocket come fall, winter, and even spring break.

This marks our third installment of our How To series. Be sure to read our first on how to organize your planner! Drop us a line if you have any “how to” posts we can help with. We are always looking for ways to streamline your life and make it easier. 

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