This Professional Runner Depends on Hearth Display

This Professional Runner Depends on Hearth Display

Welcome to Community Spotlight. It's a space for us to showcase members of our Hearth network who are integrating organization at home, building more equitable home lives, and inspiring us to do the same. 

Meet Keira D'Amato. She's a long-distance runner based in Richmond, VA alongside her husband, Anthony, and two kids, Thomas and Quin. Between race day and school drop off, there's a lot to manage. 

Before Hearth, how did your family stay organized?

We didn’t involve the kids, Anthony and I would talk before bed and hope we didn’t forget anything. We did have a shared calendar, but it was only visible if you pulled out your phone and opened the app.

How did you discover Hearth Display?
I’ve been dreaming about something like this for years, so when I finally stumbled across it - I thought - this is it! This is what I was dreaming about!

What's your favorite feature on your Hearth Display?
The kids love the routines (morning and bedtime), but my favorite feature is the calendar function, we can all see what is coming up for the week and plan ahead. I like the kids are starting to track things too and become more proactive about their schedules. It also creates nice dinner time conversation when we can all see what everyone else has been up to… or more importantly, has coming up!

Do you have any tricks/tips on how your family uses yours?
The morning routine function have been a great (and fun!) checklist of everything my kids are supposed to do in the morning. Pack a water, pack a snack, brush your teeth, get dressed… and so on and so on… it has help me from sounding like a broken record.

The kids have also figured out how to add tasks… that’s been a riot too!

If you could invent any new feature for Hearth Display, what would it be?
Perhaps a shared shopping list (maybe this is possible on the to-do function)… or even weekly checklist. I like to do certain exercises 2-3 times a week, but the days can vary. Would be nice to have a running count every week how many times you do something - or chores. Each kid needs to set the table 2 days a week… would be nice to track on a weekly basis.

When my family's organized, it feels like (fill in the blank).
Like my dishwasher has been emptied, my car is full of gas, and the laundry is put away - marvelous!


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