Hearth Display Is For The Entire Family

Hearth Display Is For The Entire Family

Part of the magic of Hearth Display is how simple it makes integrating your entire family. Instead of putting all the responsibility on one person to reset a whiteboard or restock a chore chart, everyone can play a role in learning greater independence and helpfulness around the house. The mental load is experienced in disproportionate amounts by women, which explains why so many homes run on a mental checklist in mom’s head. In fact, according to a study from Harvard University, women report to carrying 70% of the mental load. The answer to balancing this invisible labor more equitably isn’t to share a calendar and stop there. True partnership takes work, which is where Hearth Display comes in.


Out of mom’s head and onto the Hearth Display

The mental load carried by mothers is an intricate and often overlooked aspect of family dynamics. It encompasses the multitude of responsibilities, schedules, and emotional labor that mothers carry to ensure the smooth functioning of the household. Recognizing the importance of moving this mental load from solely resting on the mother's shoulders to a platform where the entire family can contribute is important for several reasons.

Distributing the mental load fosters a sense of shared responsibility and equality within the family unit. When every member understands and actively participates in managing household tasks and schedules, it promotes a more collaborative and supportive environment.

Transferring the mental load onto a Hearth Display allows for better organization and coordination. By having a centralized display where tasks, appointments, and important information are accessible to everyone, it reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings, missed appointments, and overlooked responsibilities.

This promotes communication and empathy among family members. When everyone has visibility into each other's commitments and obligations, it encourages empathy and understanding for the challenges faced by one another. Distributing the mental load acknowledges and respects the mom’s time, energy, and mental well-being. It creates a collaborative and supportive environment where every family member plays an active role.


How to set up a calendar for kids

Adding your pre-existing Google Calendar it your Hearth Display is simple. During your initial setup, choose the prompt to log in to your Google account. At this stage, you can invite other family members as well. If you’d like to add a Google account after your Hearth has been set up, simply use Hearth's web app to manage your calendar preferences.

Many families choose to set up email addresses for their kids to maximize scheduling. But even if you choose not to, it’s simple to set up your kids’ Hearth Display profiles. Kids with emails of their own can create and manage their Hearth account and connect external calendars. Without an email, your kids’ profiles will only be able to use the Hearth ecosystem. You cannot assign Google events to this type of profile. Kids without email accounts cannot access the web Companion App. They will only be able to interact on the Hearth Display. For more details, check out this blog.


Build routines with the mental load in mind

Once your whole family has a corresponding profile on your Hearth Display, it’s time to create some routines. Here’s a breakdown on the difference between our to-dos and routines, but the summary is this: Routines build independence. To-dos make it instinctive to distribute the mental load.

When building routines for your kids, think about how you can challenge them to accept even more autonomy, based on their age. If you’re working with your partner to create a routine for them, try shifting some of your responsibilities onto their plate.


Expect a learning curve

And just with any new process, expect some curveballs. Transitioning from a system where one person primarily manages everything to a shared responsibility model requires adaptation and patience.

Curveballs could be anything—differing expectations, habits, or even unforeseen circumstances. One partner might overlook certain tasks or forget to update the shared platform promptly. External factors such as work stress or unexpected events can disrupt established routines.

These curveballs present opportunities for growth, communication, and refinement of the shared system. It encourages both partners to openly discuss challenges, adjust responsibilities, and find solutions collaboratively. This is where resilience happens and partnerships are strengthened.


Foster independence and responsibility

Creating a family organizational system instills independence and responsibility in children by involving them in the management of household tasks and schedules, and Hearth Display is the perfect example. When kids participate in organizing chores, tracking appointments, and contributing to family decisions, they develop valuable life skills and a sense of ownership.

This is how they begin to learn to prioritize tasks, manage their time effectively, and take initiative in completing responsibilities. They understand the importance of accountability and recognize the impact of their contributions on the family unit. Taking time to get your family set up on Hearth Display is an initial investment on a lifelong journey toward being a better family and community member.


Preorder your Hearth Display today.