How To Customize Nighttime Routines On Your Hearth Display

How To Customize Nighttime Routines On Your Hearth Display

The importance of daily routines for developing kids can’t be overstated. We know that everyone benefits from a little structure, especially at the end of the day. That’s why our Routines feature *might* just be our favorite. Ready to get on board? Here’s a quick breakdown of how to set-up a bedtime customized for your family.

To create a Routine, go to the Routines section in your Companion App's menu tab. You’ll find your family members listed, and options to add a Routine for each member from the top right or under their name.

You can either choose one of Hearth's recommended Routines or create a custom Routine from scratch. Our recommended Routines are designed with kids in mind and can be further customized to fit your family's needs.

Here are some of our favorite tips for building a nighttime routine that works for the whole family.

Count on your Hearth Display’s automated routine feature

Without relying on a parent as the source of truth, bedtime can be completed with the help of a grandparent, babysitter, and eventually, as kids grow older, all on their own. Plus, with a gamified visual, routines turn nagging into a moment of independence for kids.

Quit screen time at least one hour before falling asleep

Screen time before bed can be directly linked to less sleep in kids, and adults, too. Trading TV time for books or drawing can help everyone find a moment of peace before going to sleep. Plus, your Hearth Display is armed with a Sleep Mode function. Simply set the hours you’d like the screen to timeout and enjoy screen-free time for your best sleep yet.

Ask “What went well today? What am I grateful for?”

Research has proven what we all know to be true anecdotally. Asking questions helps kids develop cognitively. Taking time for mindfulness can be as simple as a few reflection questions before going to sleep. This moment of connection can be a sweet space for sharing thankfulness on a regular basis.

Play music with a tempo between 60 and 80 beats for relaxing vibes

Music with this specific tempo helps slow heart rates and reduce cortisol—both important aspects of any person’s wind down routine. Classical music is a natural choice, but get creative! Some families even create bedtime playlists that kids can start associating with slowing down at the end of the day.

Time consistency for going to bed is key—for kids and adults!

With great sleep comes an improved memory, an increased ability to learn, and even even a promotion of growth in the body and brain for kids. And since it’s been scientifically proven that routine benefits kids, it’s no surprise that sticking to a generally consistent schedule is recommended.


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