How to show appreciation for your kids' teachers

How to show appreciation for your kids' teachers

How to show appreciation for your kids' teachers

Did you know today is World Teachers Day? In appreciation for all of the educators who do meaningful work every day, we are sharing some simple and creative ways to show your local teachers that their efforts don't go unnoticed. We're sharing five simple gifts or thoughtful opportunities to recognize the educators in your family's life. After all, teachers do a lot – especially in light of the pandemic and beyond. As we head into the holiday season, here are some ways to show your children’s educators you’re thankful for them right now.

  1. Gift Cards. Perhaps they seem impersonal to some, but teachers often spend money out of their own paycheck buying items for your kids. Treating them to Starbucks or Target is the least you can do! If you want it to be a little more than just a plastic card, add a little something with it like a cake pop, portable mug, or a personal goodie.
  2. Amazon Wish List. This is more likely to be done at the beginning of the year, but you can search and find a teacher’s list online. Typically they register for evergreen items that are good any time of year. If your teacher isn’t registered, think about teaming up with other parents and suggest putting one together for them!
  3. Survey Suggestions. Sometimes schools will provide a “favorites” list for teachers to fill out, from their favorite snack and drink to their preferred stores. Ask your principal or PTA to see if they exist. If not, send your child to school with one or shoot them an email so you know what they like. You can sprinkle treats for them they actually like throughout the whole school year!
  4. Notepads – Or even note cards! Teachers write and send a lot of notes, so they go through these like water. There are so many cute ones out there, you’re bound to find one they will like. To get the A+ on this gift, personalize it with their name! It makes the note feel that much more official.
  5. Cards. Showing educators you care does not have to be time consuming or cost money. Hand-written thank you notes from students are often kept and treasured. They make it easier to get through the tough days and are great keepsakes. Parents if you want to contribute, consider sending a nice email thank your children’s teachers. Do you know how many rude ones they receive?! Make their inbox smile today.

There are plenty of great opportunities to celebrate educators: Back to School season in August-September, World Teachers Day (today!), the holidays before the year ends, Teacher Appreciation Week in May, or during graduation as the school year wraps up.

And of course, be sure to put those dates in your Hearth Display calendar and schedule a reminder so they get some extra love during these important times of the year. Thank you, teachers - we salute you!

If you liked this article, check out all of our “how to” posts here.


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