Family Meetings: The Why + How Behind A Weekly Check-In

Family Meetings: The Why + How Behind A Weekly Check-In

It’s easy to see how running a weekly family meeting can fall behind in the chaos of other important activities, schedules, and commitments. Considering 73% of adults in the US rank family time as the most important part of their life, taking time to apply order and structure might make sense for your family.

These meetings serve as invaluable opportunities for families to come together, communicate openly, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their bonds. Establishing a tradition of family meetings can foster a sense of belonging, promote mutual respect, and ensure that everyone's voices are heard. In short, it’s a consistant space for ongoing dialogue.

Why Family Meetings Matter:

Promoting open communication

Family meetings provide a platform for every member to express themselves freely. Whether it's discussing joys, concerns, or challenges, these gatherings encourage open dialogue and facilitate active listening among family members. In a supportive environment, individuals feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, fostering a deeper understanding of one another.

Building stronger relationships

Regular interactions during family meetings help cultivate stronger bonds among family members. Through shared experiences, laughter, and even disagreements, families develop a sense of unity and solidarity.

Problem solving and conflict resolution

Conflicts and disagreements happen. Family meetings provide a structured framework for addressing issues constructively. By encouraging empathy, compromise, and active problem-solving, families can navigate conflicts more effectively and reach mutually satisfactory resolutions.

Setting and achieving goals

Family meetings offer a platform for setting collective goals and aspirations. Whether it's planning a family vacation, saving for a shared goal, or discussing a particularly tough dynamic at school, these gatherings allow families to align their priorities and work towards common objectives. By involving everyone in the decision-making process, families foster a sense of ownership and accountability, motivating each member to contribute towards shared goals.


Ready to start your own family meeting cadence? Here are some helpful tips for kicking things off.

Establish consistency

Choose a convenient time and day for your family meetings, ensuring that everyone can participate without conflicting schedules. Whether it's a weekly Sunday brunch or a monthly gathering, consistency is key to making family meetings a regular part of your routine.

Create a welcoming environment

Designate a comfortable and conducive space for your family meetings, free from distractions and interruptions. Whether it's the living room, kitchen table, or backyard, choose a location where everyone feels at ease and encouraged to participate. Snacks are not required, but encouraged.

Set an agenda

Before each family meeting, discuss and agree upon an agenda to ensure that topics are addressed in an organized manner. Encourage family members to contribute to the agenda by sharing topics or concerns they wish to discuss during the meeting. This not only ensures that everyone's voices are heard but also helps prioritize discussions based on collective interests and needs.

Encourage participation

Emphasize the importance of active participation and respectful communication during family meetings. Encourage each member to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas openly, while also fostering a culture of attentive listening and empathy. By creating a safe and inclusive environment, family members are more likely to engage in meaningful dialogue and contribute constructively to discussions.


Stuck on where to start? Here are some topics that might be helpful, depending on the ages of your family members.

Family goals

Discuss long-term goals and personal development by exploring ways to support each other in achieving them.

Household responsibilities

Allocate chores, establish routines, and discuss expectations regarding household responsibilities to ensure a fair distribution of tasks and promote accountability among family members.

Conflict resolution

Address any ongoing conflicts or tensions within the family and brainstorm strategies for resolving them constructively. Encourage open dialogue, active listening, and empathy to facilitate mutual understanding and reconciliation.

Quality time

Plan upcoming family outings and vacations! Discuss interests, preferences, and ideas for spending quality time as a family, fostering a sense of togetherness.

Family meetings serve as a cornerstone for nurturing healthy relationships, fostering open communication, and building a strong sense of community within the family unit. By establishing a tradition of regular meetings, families can create a supportive environment where every member feels heard. Through meaningful dialogue, shared experiences, and collective goal-setting, families can navigate challenges, celebrate successes, and create cherished memories that last a lifetime.

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